07 Nov Treating Cocaine Addiction In Georgia: What You Need To Know
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Addiction is a disease. Though all drug addictions are dangerous and hard to overcome, a cocaine addiction is possibly one of the worst. Not only is cocaine highly addictive, but it is also damaging. Cocaine, even when used a few times, can have a negative effect on your health and future.
If you or someone you know suffers from a cocaine addiction, it is imperative to seek treatment. Treating cocaine addiction is not easy, but it can happen. Simply put, overcoming your addiction is a possibility, but you have to want to overcome it. You have to recognize that a problem exists and that actively fight to fix it.
In the State of Georgia, there are many different options available for cocaine addiction treatment. This article will educate you on treatment options, as well as the particular dangers of cocaine. Further, we want to make sure you understand cocaine—it’s origins, its effects on the brain, cocaine street names, and the dangers of withdrawal. This information isn’t meant to scare you, but give you the knowledge you must possess to finally understand that the drug is not your friend.
In short, this article is meant to help you get over your addiction and hopefully offer some relief.
The Dangers of Cocaine
We don’t have to remind you that cocaine is an illegal drug. But to ensure that you understand the severity of this drug, we want to share an astounding statistic with you: According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), over 14 percent of all Americans age 12 and older have used cocaine in their lifetime.
That fact should scare you, and for many reasons. To start with, cocaine is highly addictive. Therefore, it is common for individuals to try the drug once or twice, and then become addicted to it. You may have the intentions of only want to try it or experiment with it, but due to its addictive nature, these motives are highly risky.
Cocaine is a stimulant that affects the central nervous system. When cocaine is consumed, in any manner, it increases an individual’s energy levels. The drug helps to keep people awake for longer periods of time, while at the same time, causing their heart rate and blood pressure to increase.
Typically, cocaine is seen in two different forms:
- A powder form, often snorted, injected or smoked by the user
- A rock formation that an individual smokes, known as crack cocaine
Regardless of its form, cocaine, like most drugs, is commonly referred to by a variety of different names. Though there are literally hundreds of different names for cocaine, the following are some of the most popular
Other names for cocaine:
- White
- Blow
- Snow White
- Powder
- White Powder
- Fluff
- White Fluff
- Crack
- Coke
- Big C
- Coca
- Candy
More times than not, it is easy to recognize the long-term effects of cocaine abuse. However, just because a person is showing the signs does not necessarily mean abuse has or is taking place. To be fair, there could be a reasonable explanation. If you believe someone close to you has a cocaine problem, the best bet is to use your judgment. Do you really think an addiction or abuse is occurring? If so, find out more information, or simply ask your loved one if they need help. The worst thing you can do is lecture and/or jump to conclusions without having all of the information.
That being said, the following are common signs that an individual is actively using cocaine:
- Dilated pupils
- Long periods of wakefulness
- Loss of appetite
- Overconfidence
- Over-excitement
- Paranoia
- A runny nose or frequent sniffles
- White powder around nostrils
As with any drug, specifically cocaine, a person can experience symptoms after using. Despite these symptoms, which are all dangerous in their own right, it is likely for addicts to continue using and abusing the drug. When this occurs, they will often require help in order to recover. Help can come in many forms, and there are many options for treating a cocaine addiction in Georgia or for the rest of the United States for that matter. We will cover some example later.
For now, it is important to note the common side effects when someone chooses to use cocaine:
- Headaches
- High blood pressure
- Nausea
- Trouble sleeping
- Coma
- Chills
- Confusion
- Sweating
- Seizures
Addiction is different than abuse. Abuse often refers to an individual knowing and experiencing the damaging effects of cocaine, but still choosing to use the drug—despite these negative effects.
Yet, addiction occurs when a person feels as if they need cocaine to function. These individuals believe they can not do simple, everyday tasks, such as get out of bed or take a shower, without using cocaine. There are many signs that could prove someone has a cocaine addiction, such as:
- Taking larger amounts of cocaine or using cocaine longer than originally intended
- Strong urges/cravings to use cocaine
- Inability to cut down or totally stop cocaine use
- Neglecting important obligations
- Using cocaine in situations where it is dangerous to do so (though, cocaine is always dangerous)
- Becoming isolated from others as a result of cocaine use
- Giving up activities that were once important to use cocaine
- Continuing to use cocaine despite obvious problems resulting from cocaine use
- Developing tolerance for the drug, always needing larger amounts to experience the same high
- Spending a lot of time using cocaine or trying to get cocaine
- The inability to sleep
- Long periods of depression
- Disappearing for many days at a time
- Frequent nosebleeds and/or mouth sores
- When a person decides to stop using cocaine, they will generally go through a cocaine withdrawal period. Though difficult, this period is unavoidable and necessary to get over the addiction. The length of the drug abuse will determine the severity of the withdrawal.
Generally speaking, a cocaine withdrawal can last anywhere from 7 to 10 days. During that time, common cocaine withdrawal symptoms can include the following:
- Lack of energy
- Lack of motivation
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Fatigue
- Depression
- Lack of Concentration
- Mood Swings
- Paranoia
- Cravings
The best way to avoid a cocaine addiction is to avoid cocaine altogether. Of course, this fact is easier said than done, but if an individual does not put themselves at risk, then it is less likely for he or she to try cocaine. Remember, even trying cocaine once or twice can lead to an addiction. Once a person becomes addicted, he or she will then have to go through withdrawal before they can get over that addiction.
Though not always suitable or manageable, the following tips can be helpful ways to avoid cocaine:
- Simply say NO—never accept or try a drug when it is offered to you
- Be mindful of whom you hang around or who is near you
- Avoid situations, people, and influences that involve any kind of drugs
- Manage your stress in a healthy manner, not with drugs
- Build strong, healthy relationships with people who have goals that mirror yours
- Have goals and never stop working to fulfill them
- If you consider using drugs, get help—remember, there is always help for everyone
- Be kind to yourself, and understand that if you make a mistake, you can get a second chance
We shared these examples before, but it is important to highlight them again. We cannot state enough times how addictive cocaine is. Therefore, it is best to not even try the drug. More times than not, when a person experiments with cocaine, he or she will become addicted. Yet, if that individual is aware of how to avoid cocaine, then it is more likely he or she will not even be tempted to use it when or if the times comes.
Once a Problem Occurs
Once a cocaine problem occurs, it will be necessary to find a rehab center. There are many different recovery options in the State of Georgia, and the key is in finding the appropriate one for you and your needs.
When searching for a facility to detox, it is recommended that you visit the different options, read views, speak with staff members, and if possible, talk to past patients. Each rehab will provide different types of assistance. For example, some offer group therapy, while others will take a more one-on-one approach to heal. You need to find out which method of recovery works best for you.
In order for a person to get adequate help, he or she must be ready to get help. This means it will be necessary to admit that a problem exists, before dedicating the time and energy it takes to go through the recovery process. If the person can’t admit a problem exists, then he or she is not ready to get help. Therefore, the cocaine addiction treatment will be wasted.
When it comes to specifically treating cocaine, there are currently no medications approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Several medications marketed for other diseases have been known to somewhat reduce cocaine use within controlled clinical trials. For example, disulfiram, which is used to treat alcoholism, has shown the biggest success rate. Scientists do not yet know exactly how or why disulfiram reduces cocaine use. And, unfortunately, disulfiram does not work for everyone.
There has been new research developed and conducted on a cocaine vaccine that could help reduce the risk of relapse, once the person has decided to get help and stop using the drug. The vaccine stimulates the immune system to create cocaine-specific antibodies that bind to cocaine, preventing it from getting into the brain. Remember, cocaine has a large, negative effect on the brain. Therefore, if it can’t get to the brain, then it is less likely for the individual to become addicted to it.
Many behavioral treatments for cocaine addiction have proven to be effective in both residential and outpatient settings. But again, even patient is different and requires a specific type of treatment. It is important that patients receive services that match all of their treatment needs.
Getting the Right Legal Assistance
If you have been arrested due to cocaine, whether you were using, possessing, or had the intent to sell, you must find a lawyer to assist with your case.
Yes, cocaine is illegal, and if you were involved with it in any manner, you broke the law. However, you still need a legal professional on your side to ensure you are protected during court. Drug charges, especially those involving cocaine, are very damaging to an individual’s future. Specifically, it will be difficult to get a job and credit. A lawyer will get you the best deal possible and have your best interest in mind.
Most attorneys or law firms offer a free consultation. During this consultation, you can determine whether or not the lawyer is a good fit for your needs. Meet with several attorneys, and make sure you find one that you both like and trust. This lawyer could have a huge effect on your future.
It will be important for you to tell your lawyer that you are ready to get help and that you want to get help. Your lawyer should understand that you have suffered from a problem, but that you now want to move on with your life. The best thing you can do is recognize that you made a mistake, and then do everything in your power to correct it.
Ask for Help
Finally, don’t be afraid or embarrassed to ask for help. If you are starting to ask yourself questions like “how long does crack stay in your urine”?, it may be time to seek help. It is never too late to treat your cocaine addiction. Unfortunately, addiction is a disease, and it can affect everyone—both men and women. Though, if you want to get help, you can. There are plenty of options and treatment centers available. If you think you have a problem, ask for help. You don’t have to fight this battle alone.
Regardless of when you started using and/or abusing cocaine, the sooner you seek treatment, the better. Yes, cocaine can and does have a damaging effect on your body, but if you stop using it right now, you can get healthy again. Don’t cause more harm or damage to your body. Get the help you need to move on with your life with our Georgia drug treatment center today.
“Crack Cocaine Detox and Rehab Facilities in Georgia.” Addicted.org. 15 Mar. 2019. https://www.addicted.org/georgia-crack-detox-rehab-centers.html
“Find a Drug and Alcohol Abuse Rehab Center in Georgia.” Drugabuse.com. 15 Mar. 2019. https://drugabuse.com/usa/drug-abuse/georgia/
“How is Cocaine Addiction Treated?.” NIH. 15 Mar. 2019. https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/research-reports/cocaine/what-treatments-are-effective-cocaine-abusers
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