How to Ask for Help

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27 Jun How to Ask for Help

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Many drug addicts face denial for a long time. They may not truly believe they have a dependency on drugs or cannot clearly see how drugs are negatively impacting their lives until it’s too late. However, when a person hits “rock bottom,” it may be just the wake-up call needed to ask for help.

An addict who knows he or she needs help is different than a person who takes the next step and asks for it. There might be feelings of shame, guilt, or fear which may prevent someone from asking for the support they need.

Addiction is a disease, one which often requires medical intervention. If a person is sick, he or she should ask to get better. Does this sound easier said than done? It’s because we know it is. Asking for help on any level can be hard to face, but it’s the first step in the right direction.

Dos and Don’ts to Follow

Do say “yes” when help is offered. At some point, a friend or family member may have asked you about your drug or alcohol dependency. Although you denied it as a problem at the time, you may now see they were right to be concerned.

Reach out to the people you trust to help support you. In certain situations, addicts may be faced with an intervention by loved ones who are offering a chance for recovery. Take the opportunity as it lends itself to you.

Don’t feel ashamed. People may have too much pride or feel shameful for past behavior while under the influence of drugs, which may ultimately prevent them from seeking the help they need. Family members, friends, and co-workers are often the ones who are closest to us and the people who recognize the signs of drug abuse first.

It may be tougher to face the people we have close, personal relationships with right away. Don’t discount asking clergy, a doctor, a counselor, or other professional for help. It may be easier to connect with a person who hasn’t been directly affected by your addiction and is trained to help in a crisis.

Do approach addiction as an illness. Drug dependency can be a hard concept to understand because it may seem like a person could simply stop using if they wanted to. However, the reality is: when a person has become addicted, the body not only craves the drug; it doesn’t know how to function adequately without it. Drug withdrawal is often painful and uncomfortable, which can lead to relapse if a person is not properly supported.

Don’t ever think it’s too late. Over the course of addiction, you may have bypassed several opportunities for help. One of the key factors of addiction recovery is the person has to be ready to accept help. They must first admit to themselves they have a problem, which cannot be controlled on their own. Without this recognition, no level of support can help until the person with the addiction wants to get help.

Despite previously rejecting help, it’s never too late to reach out, if you need it. The “right” time to ask is when you are ready to face your addiction and battle it head on. For people who have no intention to quit using, it makes a future of recovery more difficult.

Do be honest. Stories of addiction often aren’t pretty, but it’s important to be as straightforward as possible. You are not the only one to suffer. By starting on a straight path, it helps lay the foundation for a positive progression towards recovery. Addicts may be used to lying about their drug use to themselves and others. Understanding what drives the addiction and being honest with the challenges and factors that may affect it is the only way to approach successful recovery on a long-term basis.

Don’t give up. Not every drug addict achieves sobriety the first time. Many people experience relapse and other setbacks, which can make the situation feel even worse. It’s not an easy path, but it is a doable one. The help others can provide when a person is feeling weak. It can be an inspiration when a person feels discouraged. There is support all around cheering on those who wish to seek treatment. Simply ask.

Recovery from Addiction, Where to Seek Help

Recovery for addiction is hard work. It means a disruption of what is perceived as “normal” life by those who only know addiction. People who are dependent on drugs may not remember a time when they didn’t use. They may be fearful of trying to function without drugs. These factors play a part in a person who is reluctant to ask for help.

Each situation will be different. Some people may have supportive friends and family they can easily turn to when they require help. There are others who have isolated themselves and may feel like they have no one to support them. There are groups, counselors, treatment centers, non-profit organizations, and call centers who are all ready and willing to step in and provide help when called upon. You don’t have to feel alone.

The ask can be the hardest part because it’s the shift that sets everything into motion. Asking for help means addressing the problem head on and accepting responsibility for the damage it has done to a person’s life and the lives of others.

Asking for help means you want and are ready to work towards a life without drugs. Every step forward offers an addict the opportunity for a more positive future. It may be unpredictable, but it allows a person to thrive rather than suffer.

If you or a loved one battles addiction and are ready to reach out for help, we are here to support you anytime of day, any day of the week.


Leipholtz, Beth. “The 5 Best Ways to Ask for Help with Addiction.” Addiction Center. 28 Dec. 2017. 15 Mar. 2019.

Meadows, Brittany. “4 Tips to Asking for Help for Addiction.” Addiction Campuses. 7 Dec. 2015. 15 Mar. 2019.

“How to Help a Drug Addict.” 15 Mar. 2019.

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