Terry Gorski Exclusive Interview

14 Apr Terry Gorski Exclusive Interview

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Coming Soon – You can’t talk about addiction, relapse and relapse-prevention and not hear the name Terence Gorski mentioned. Pioneer, president and founder of the GORSKI-CENAPS model that has been recognized by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) as one of the “top three best known and most respected treatment approaches in the United States.”

As a prolific writer he has authored numerous relapse prevention workbooks, books and articles  that have been translated in over 50 languages. Gorski is an internationally recognized and acclaimed substance abuse, mental health, violence and crime expert whose workbooks are being used in drug and alcohol treatment programs worldwide.

Having gotten sober at 22 years old Gorski has strongly held views and opinions and isn’t afraid to share them. In a candid interview he spoke about the heroin epidemic facing Americans today, voiced his opinions on long-term Suboxone and methadone use, whether or not to take prescription medication post-surgery if you are sober, and several other interesting topics related to substance abuse…

Entire Interview Coming Soon.



Gorski, Terry. “How To Develop A Relapse Prevention (RP) Plan.” Terry Gorski. 8 Aug. 2016. 6 Mar. 2019. https://terrygorski.com/2016/08/07/how-to-develop-a-relapse-prevention-rp-plan/

Gorski, Terry. “Home.” Terry Gorski. 6 Mar. 2019. https://terrygorski.com/

Gorski, Terry. “About.” Terry Gorski. 6 Mar. 2019. https://terrygorski.com/about/

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