Xanax is the brand name for the drug alprazolam, a benzodiazepine that is most commonly prescribed for treating anxiety and panic disorders. The drug is most often prescribed in pill form.
While Xanax is an effective anxiety medication, it also has potential for abuse. In 2010, a reported 124,902 emergency room visits involved the recreational abuse of Xanax. That’s more than double what it was five years prior. In 2013, doctors wrote an estimated 50 million prescriptions for Xanax.
Symptoms of Xanax Addiction
Xanax works directly on the brain and central nervous system to enhance the effects of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Increasing the amount of GABA inhibits brain activity, calming nerves and symptoms of anxiety. However, increased GABA also increases the amount of dopamine, another neurotransmitter involved in gratification and pleasure, among other functions. Repeatedly using Xanax triggers dopamine, making you feel good and rewarded.
The Effects of Xanax
Xanax is a depressant that works by decreasing the amount of activity happening in the brain to produce a state of calm and euphoria. That’s how it effectively reduces anxiety symptoms, but using Xanax regularly can also cause a variety of side effects.
Xanax can become habit forming, making way for abuse or addiction. While addiction has an immense effect on your physical health and immune system, it can have an even greater impact on your behavior and personal life. Many addicts find themselves doing or saying uncharacteristic things that hurt those around them. You may lash out or behave recklessly. Addiction prevents you from living life to its fullest.
When using Xanax avoid drinking alcohol or taking other drugs unless prescribed by your doctor. Avoid driving or operating heavy machinery as Xanax tends to affect coordination and cause dizziness.
Xanax abuse can also cause damage to the liver, signs of which include jaundice (yellowing eyes or skin), swelling, dark urine, and a tendency to bruise easily.
Xanax Treatment
Immediate medical intervention ensures a full physical recovery and helps you get back on the right track. Medicine can work the drug out of your system, curb cravings, and keep withdrawal symptoms at a manageable level.
For Xanax, your doctor may prescribe a treatment plan involving:
Your treatment plan may also include co-occurring disorders therapy to address the underlying anxiety that led to your initial drug use.
The Road to Recovery
Detox is step one in the recovery process. Many Xanax addiction treatment programs lead directly into longer rehabilitation programs. These programs provide further counseling, therapy, and classes to guide you through life and provide you with tools for long-term sobriety. When entering a comprehensive detox program you get the support needed to manage withdrawal symptoms and get on the path to recovery.
Georgia Drug Detox can help you find an inpatient detox facility in Georgia that fits your personal needs. If you have questions about insurance or the overall treatment process, please don’t hesitate to contact us. When you’re ready, call us at (678) 771-6411 and begin the admission process.